So I had a Roseanne Barr kind of day. I wore my grey lounge pants (the kind with a stretchy waistband which allows for generous cookie consumption) and last summer's VBS t-shirt (my name inscribed in puff paint). I must look like I'm throwing in the towel. I've completely lost touch with my blow dryer, and even my $40 concealer from Mario Tricoci feels overworked and underpaid.
I look forward to the weekends when Ryan is home. I might get a chance to linger in the shower, shave my legs, and scrub my heels. I'll hopefully get an unhurried cup of coffee and a few quiet minutes alone in the morning. I'll find time to sit at my desk and make sense of the paper that's been piling there throughout the week. I might even read the paper and put on lipstick.
These are the small graces in my day.
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